Thursday 7 August 2014

Using Computers for analysis

Quantitative analysis with computers

When you are handling large amounts of data and need to store or to arrange data items efficiently, a computer based approach is invaluable. The ability of a computer to make repetitive calculations rapidly and accurately has revolutionised quantitative research and it would now seem rather out of keeping with normal practice to try to undertake such analysis by hand.
There are large numbers of computer programs that can assist with quantitative analysis.

Probably the most commonly used are Matlab, Excel and SPSS all of which are available on computers on the University network.

Computers and qualitative research

It is sometimes argued that computer programmes can distance the researcher from the data and thereby influence negatively the analysis and interpretation of meaning. Notwithstanding these criticisms, several good computer programmes exist that can help the researcher to manage large data sets and the processes of filing, storage, coding, retrieval and presentation of data. These Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) programmes can replace or support some of the manual tasks that qualitative researchers need to undertake. Tesch (1993) suggests that these programmes can help with the different approaches to qualitative research (language orientated, descriptive or interpretative and theory building) by assisting with:

  • Storing, annotating and retrieving texts
  • Finding words, phrases and segments of data
  • Naming or labeling data
  • Sorting and organising the data into manageable sections
  • Identifying sections (known as units) of data
  • Preparing diagrams and maps on screen
  • Retrieving and extracting quotes.
Learn to operate such softwares through our courses .

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