Thursday, 27 March 2014

Use of computer in schools develops the following skills in children

Exposure and observation:

A child's relationship with the computer typically begins with the child watching a sibling, parent or classmate busy at the computer. Active participation: The child quickly moves from observer to active participant, grabbing at the mouse, banging on the keyboard, and pointing at things that excite her on the screen. The parent, however, still operates the software. Taking control: Eventually, the child learns how to control a mouse or trackball and subsequently how to control what is happening on the computer screen. Using her newfound "point and click" and "click and drag" skills, she can now actively explore a software program.

The computer is my tool:

With greater control, the child begins to see the computer more as her tool - something she can use to make and find things. Increasingly, she approaches the computer with a goal, for example to find dinosaurs or click on something colorful or moving.

Mastering skills:

As she plays with different software programs, a child develops a general sense of how to navigate through simple environments, how to start and quit an activity, and how to operate specific programs. Independence: Most children with consistent access to a computer over the period of a couple years are eventually able to power up the machine, start up a pre-loaded application either from the hard disk or a CD-ROM, quit an application, operate the printer and scanner, access the Internet from the desktop, and even send an email. Thus, the use of computers in schools can bring a drastic development among children thereby producing our country's growth as by product.

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Wednesday, 26 March 2014

How Cloud Computing Works

Let's say you're an executive at a large corporation. Your particular responsibilities include making sure that all of your employees have the right hardware and software they need to do their jobs. Buying computers for everyone isn't enough -- you also have to purchase software or software licenses to give employees the tools they require. Whenever you have a new hire, you have to buy more software or make sure your current software license allows another user. It's so stressful that you find it difficult to go to sleep on your huge pile of money every night.

Soon, there may be an alternative for executives like you. Instead of installing a suite of software for each computer, you'd only have to load one application. That application would allow workers to log into a Web-based service which hosts all the programs the user would need for his or her job. Remote machines owned by another company would run everything from e-mail to word processing to complex data analysis programs. It's called cloud computing, and it could change the entire computer industry.

In a cloud computing system, there's a significant workload shift. Local computers no longer have to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to running applications. The network of computers that make up the cloud handles them instead. Hardware and software demands on the user's side decrease. The only thing the user's computer needs to be able to run is the cloud computing system's interface software, which can be as simple as a Web browser, and the cloud's network takes care of the rest.

There's a good chance you've already used some form of cloud computing. If you have an e-mail account with a Web-based e-mail service like Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail or Gmail, then you've had some experience with cloud computing. Instead of running an e-mail program on your computer, you log in to a Web e-mail account remotely. The software and storage for your account doesn't exist on your computer -- it's on the service's computer cloud.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Uses of Computers in Hospitals

The invention of computers started the revolution of Information Technology (IT) in the world, bringing modern concepts into the world. In the past few decades, offices, factories and business adopted computers to enhance their performance. The next were the households to adopt the computers as their new form of entertainment. Today, computers, along with Internet technology are being introduced into hospitals to enhance the performance of the medical facilities that are dispensed.

Application of Computers in Hospitals

The importance of computers in medicine is growing and spreading rapidly. The only disadvantage is that a full-fledged installation of all the computerized systems in hospitals is a lengthy and costly process. There are however, some hospital systems which already work on the basis of computers. Here are some prominent uses of computers in hospitals.

Handling Medical Data

Every day hospitals and clinics which are attached to it churn out enormous volumes of data regarding patients, ailments, prescriptions, medications, medical billing details, etc. Such medical records, are nowadays recorded into medical billing software. Such mammoth databases are known as Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records (EHR). These databases are operated by a set of computers and servers, and come in handy during medical alerts and emergencies. The concept of EHR is a bit broader than the EMR, as the database is accessible from different clinics and hospitals. Thus, a patient's medical history can be retrieved from any hospital by medical practitioners.

Scanning and Imaging
'Tests' are medical procedures where specified components of the human body are scanned. A test can be as simple as a regular blood test or it can be a complex CT scan. This process is often referred to as a medical imagery. In order to increase the precision of such procedures, computers have been adopted and integrated into the testing equipment. The Ultrasound and the MRI are the best examples where computers have been adopted, in order to make the process faster and precise. Thus medical tests and tools have become more advanced as a result of the use of computers.

Examination and Monitoring

Many systems are underway for the development of medical monitoring which will help humans to properly monitor their own health. In many cases doctors and surgeons also use sophisticated computer aided equipment to treat their patients. Such systems and procedures include, bone scan procedure, prenatal ultrasound imaging, blood glucose monitors, advanced endoscopy which is used during surgery and blood pressure monitors. Basically these medical tests and tools provide significant convenience to medical practitioners. You will find that major laboratory equipment and heart rate monitors have already been computerized in many hospitals.

Advantages of Computers in Hospitals

There are significant advantages of using computers in hospitals. The importance of computers in hospitals has also increased drastically due to the fact that the procedures have to be speedy to cater to a larger population and the medical services have to be more precise.

To sum up, the advantages of computers in hospitals can be summarized as follows:

Precise 'tests' and medical examinations
Faster medical alerts, which are more accurate time-wise
Enhanced data about a patients medical history
Precision in diagnosis
Precision in billing
Automated updating of medical history

The possibility of computers uses in the medical field are endless, facilitating medical help to hospitals and clinics all across the globe.

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Monday, 24 March 2014

Importance of Computer in Daily Life

When talking about the use of computers in everyday life, we talk about the direct as well as indirect uses. For e.g, when we use the computer for working or gaming, we have its direct uses; while using an ATM, we are actually making an indirect use of computer based technology. The Internet proved to be a boon in the field of science and technology. Computers, in general, are used in nearly all fields, today, like supermarkets, banks, etc.

With the development of technology, we find that long gone are the days when we used notebooks to write down our research paper or actually used the library for research. Today, you simply need to 'Google' to find any information you want. Secondly, e-learning (e-classrooms) or distance learning with computers is the latest and most practical modes of education today. Right from encyclopedias to dictionaries to tests; you can simply have anything on your own PC within a fraction of seconds.

Do you remember the last time you actually did maths using a pencil and paper, or even calculated your monthly expense using a calculator? This is because most of us use computers for our daily accounts. Keeping accounts using computers is not only feasible, but also more reliable and safer. You can have passwords; and also memory devices that can preserve large data for a really long time.

Data Storage
Talking about data storage, most of us have an enviable collection of music, movies, etc. on our PC. Storing and sharing of any kind of data is very easy and practical on computers. Secondly, storage options like the network-attached storage help in providing data access to a larger number of clients.

Large number of people make use of computers for work purposes every day. Software engineers, writers, businessmen; employees in the field of telecommunication, banking, research, medicine, make use of computers daily. Secondly, telework or working from home is possible because of the PC. Therefore, we can say that the computer is also a source of income for a considerable number of people all over the world.

Social Networking and Gaming
Last, but not the least, very few of us would actually spend a day without Facebook or Twitter. If you take a look at the rise of followers or users on these or any other social networking sites, you will have a fair idea about their popularity and role in social interaction. Secondly, do you know that the computer gaming industry generates billions in revenue every year? This is because of the popularity of computer games all over the world.

Some More Uses of Computers

The above mentioned are the major fields that highlight the role of computers in our daily life. Apart from the aforementioned ones, there are several other uses of computers in day-to-day life. They include:

Graphics and architectural designs
Sharing of knowledge
Day planners / organizers
Writing / publishing content

Lastly, as a part of fun, imagine one day without using your PC or any computer based application. Then, you will surely understand the importance of this 'thinking machine' in your life.

The above uses make computers essential part of our daily life and dependency of a person on it . Thus it will create carriers for the professionals . For more info about our courses , please log on to our website .

Friday, 21 March 2014

Importance of Computer in Management


In order to be competitive, mega corporations, large-workforce organizations and even small and medium businesses need to do long range corporate planning in a systematic manner. Such organization development initiatives encompass human resources development, finance and budget allocation, procurement and supply chain, sales and marketing, research and development. Automated business processes, advanced computer systems and allied software applications provide companies with reports, tools and practices to address strategic objectives and the techniques and methods to achieve organizational goals.


Computer networks connected over an intranet-based system or Web-based environment can communicate with one another. In modern businesses, business owners and enterprise decision makers need employees to communicate instantly with each other, collaborate and share files, information and relevant documents quickly in order to execute work-related tasks and pursuits. Use of e-mail systems, instant messaging tools and more recently social networking applications has also enhanced swifter communication with business partners, customers, suppliers and other key external stakeholders.

Transactions Management

Organizations and businesses perform thousands of transactions at varied customer and business partner –facing interfaces. Purchase managers, inventory system professionals and accounts and financial personnel need to keep track of invoices, purchase orders, payment gateways on organization websites and all transactions at the operational level. Computer systems integrate varied transaction processes and activities and facilitate real-time tracking of transactions. IT applications speed the process of transaction activities and help in calculations, generation of accurate summaries and reports.

Decision Making

In contemporary businesses, gigabytes and masses of data and information is generated on a daily basis. Computers, IT systems and allied software programs help companies to classify, arrange, systematize and analyze information. Use of CRM solutions, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems Management Information Systems (MIS) and database systems enable companies to operationally manage business processes and functional areas. Market intelligence, sales reports and customer insights generated from such systems aid business managers, top management and project heads in important decision making processes.

Improve Productivity

One of the primary purposes of deploying large-scale computer systems, software, networking and IT tools is to gain productivity on all levels in an organization. All departments, manufacturing and production facilities and offshore centers should be able to leverage the capabilities and of modern IT systems and technologies and function more effectively and efficiently. Used strategically, computers streamline employee workflows, operational activities and functional processes, ensure better control in business management and impact the bottom-line.

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Thursday, 20 March 2014

Use of computers in Banks

For the customer:-: 

For the customer:- Self-inquiry facility: Facility for logging into specified self-inquiry terminals at the branch to inquire and view the transactions in the account. Remote banking: Remote terminals at the customer site connected to the respective branch through a modem, enabling the customer to make inquiries regarding his accounts, on-line, without having to move from his office. Anytime banking- Anywhere banking: Networking of computerized branches inter-city and intra-city, will permit customers of these branches, when interconnected, to transact from any of these branches Telebanking: A 24-hour service through which inquiries regarding balances and transactions in the account can be made over the phone. 

For the bank:-: 

For the bank:- Availability of a wide range of inquiry facilities, assisting the bank in business development and follow-up. Immediate replies to customer queries without reference to ledger-keeper as terminals are provided to Managers and Chief Managers. Automatic and prompt carrying out of standing instructions on due date and generation of reports. Generation of various MIS reports and periodical returns on due dates. Fast and up-to-date information transfer enabling speedier decisions, by interconnecting computerized branches and controlling offices. 

For the employees:-: 

For the employees:- Accurate computing of cumbersome and time-consuming jobs such as balancing and interest calculations on due dates. Automatic printing of covering schedules, deposit receipts, pass book / pass sheet, freeing the staff from performing these time-consuming jobs, and enabling them to give more attention to the needs of the customer. Signature retrieval facility, assisting in verification of transactions, sitting at their own terminal. Avoidance of duplication of entries due to existence of single-point data entry.

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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Uses of Computers in Office

Computers are an essential part of office management. Sophisticated software may even reduce the need for some specialized staff,) lowering the cost of doing business. Anyone who wishes to work in an office should be familiar with a variety of computer applications.


  • The bottom line is the most important part of a business. Computers can help managers keep track of the financial status of the company on a yearly, monthly or even day-to-day basis. Spreadsheet software is commonly used to track expenditures, sales, profit and losses. Accounting software provides a business with even more assistance with financial matters, as it is used to do payroll, invoice customers, prepare taxes and execute other essential functions. Companies can use their computers to print checks for payroll and expenditures, and can form a direct link to the company's bank account.


  • Successful businesses keep track of data about customers, products, demographics and other information important to the business. Employees can use computers to analyze this data using database management software. The computer software can analyze selected data quickly, making it much easier to create business reports than in the past. Computers can help a business stay in contact with its customers as well. Employees can enter a customer's name, address, email address and phone number into a database or spreadsheet so that new customers can be added to promotional mailings or notified of special events.
    Computers can be used to generate data, as well. Employees can use the Internet to find current information that the company needs to operate efficiently.

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Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Uses of Computers in Scientific Research

Computers have changed the ways in which scientific research is compiled and analyzed. Scientists, engineers and researchers alike are able to compile vast amounts of data and leave it to the computer to work through the data while focusing on another area of the research project. This creates research results with fewer errors and better-engineered products.

Complex Data Analysis

Computers used in scientific research have the ability to analyze data in ways and at speeds not possible with the human eye. They are able to analyze percentages of materials present in a variety of compounds from soil samples to chemicals and even the air you breathe. Additionally, computers used in this manner can determine trends in data samples. For example, computer analysis of data in research could determine the temperature at which certain chemical compounds break down or the percentages of improvement patients show when administered a certain medication.

Solving Mathematical Equations

Scientific research often requires that complex mathematical equations be solved in order to determine if data is valid or if a certain structure of molecules will remain stable. Computers are integral to this calculation process since scientists can write software programs specifically to provide answers to such questions. This removes the element of human error, which can cost research institutions millions of dollars in fixing a product that was created with even the smallest amount of flawed data.

Prediction Modeling

Scientists and researchers are able to use computer programs to model how data might manifest itself in the future. This ability is useful in predicting climate patterns, simulating how engineered products might perform in the field, predicting the erosion rate of beaches and anticipating the absorption rate of medications in the body. Scientists and engineers are then able to adjust building strategies or chemical compositions of products to ensure safe operation and consumption.

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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Computers in the Medical Office

There are various uses of computer in medical field as it plays a vital role in every medical office. It contributes a lot to the hospital administration where all the administrative processes are computerized. For example, staff records, recording incoming and outgoing time of the staff, the holiday records of the staff, etc. It is difficult to keep track of such things manually but with the help of computers, the task is simplified and is less time-consuming.

In most of the offices, accounting is also computerized that helps you keep the daily record of the financial transactions of the office. It also reduces the chances of money related frauds as all the data is stored properly that can be used for future reference. Computer also helps in recording the names and contact details of the doctors and associated people. It is useful when it comes to recording the medical history of the patient, such as, previous treatments, tests, diagnosis, and symptoms, etc. Such information comes handy for the doctor in case of emergencies and when a new treatment is to be designed.

The patients can also avail to computer counseling with the help of computers. Today, the bills are computer generated and hence, the chances of miscalculation are less. Apart from this, to avail the online transaction facilities computer is essential.

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Friday, 7 March 2014

Computers in Accounting

Most firms will make some use of a computer within accounting at some point. Some firms will have all their accounting performed by computers. What we need to understand is how the computer can be used.


A computer-generated spreadsheet is commonly used by firms when presenting their accounts. A simple spreadsheet will appear as a grid to which both numbers and text can be inserted. Each 'cell' of the spreadsheet can be used to insert data. A typical spreadsheet will appear as follows:

Cost of goods sold
Gross profit

One of the attractions of using a spreadsheet is that the calculations can be done by the computer. Some data, such as sales and cost of goods sold would need to be manually typed in, but then the gross profit can be automatically calculated by inserting a formulae into the relevant 'cell' which states how the profit is to be calculated, Once inserted then the formulae can apply to the whole row (or whole column) which makes the process both easier and more less likely to be inaccurate.

Obviously the example above is a fairly limited illustration of how spreadsheets can be used but for many small firms, the use of a spreadsheet is the main way in which computers are integrated into the work of the accountant.

Accounting software

There are accounting software packages then can be purchased by a firm that will perform many, if not all of the tasks that would normally be manually entered by the person responsible for the firm's accounts. These packages will be able to produce many of the accounting records that were previously produced by hand. Transactions may be entered into the computer package and many will produce the double entry records based on this one entry. Although the exact capabilities of each package will vary, it is possible that most, if not all of these packages will be able to produce invoices for purchases and sales. They calculate VAT returns, discounts and all the other areas of the accounting information system. Logically, these packages will also produce the final accounts for the business when required.

For larger firms this software can actually be tailor-made for the firm's own specific requirements. This sort of tailor made package is known as a 'bespoke' system. These packages are normally produced by a specialist computer software firm who have experience in producing accounting packages. Technically, these packages are available for any firm, but given the expense of a bespoke system and the general low cost of a 'off the shelf' system (one that can be used by any firm), most firms will simply purchase a general package.

Advantages of using computers within accounting

The main benefits of using computers (to any level within accounting) can be summarised as follows:

Increased accuracy
Computers are less likely to make errors. In fact they should not make errors at all. Things will still go wrong, but this is likely to be the fault of the person entering the data into the computer, rather than the computer itself making an error.

Time saving
The use of a computer should be able to speed up the whole process of keeping accounting records. This is especially likely to be the case when the firm wishes to produce the final financial statements at the end of a period. The computer will be able to extract a trial balance (if necessary at all- perhaps this won't be needed?) and produce the trading and profit and loss account as well as the balance sheet almost instantaneously, based on the data already inputted.

Performance analysis
Once the data has been inputted, it is possible to manipulate the existing data to produce variations on the firm's overall performance. Even a simple spreadsheet can be manipulated to consider different scenarios. For example, a firm may wish to see the effects of am increase in sales of the overall profit level. A range of forecasted accounts can be generated to see how well the firm could expect to produce in the future (this is known as sensitivity analysis).

The data can be manipulated into accounting ratios automatically, which allow managers to assess the overall performance. For example, the profits can be related to sales, to capital or to assets to see how effectively the firm is operating.

Job satisfaction
The use of computers in accounting will free up time for the accountant to concentrate on more wide ranging tasks. This means that there is likely to be increased job satisfaction within he firm. Studies suggest that if workers are more satisfied or more motivated in the workplace, they are likely to be more productive in their output.

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Thursday, 6 March 2014

Computers in Business

Inventory Control and Management
Inventory control and management is a crucial process, especially in establishments related to retail and production. Computers are used for recording all aspects of the goods coming in, details of goods and services, distribution of stock, and storage details. Note, that in small retail and production firms, simple computer software are generally used. Whereas in large corporations, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERPs) are employed.

Accounts and Payroll Management
Accounting and payroll management is also believed to be an important part of the overall system in a company. Be it any kind of industry; computers are largely used for the purpose of managing accounts of administration, sales, purchases, invoices, and also payroll management, which includes recording financial details of employees. These are just some components of the accounts and payroll management system where computing is used.

Database Management
Database management is associated with filing and recording, managing, and retrieval of data whenever required. For smooth running of businesses, it is very important that they have all procedures and details stored. This storage of data is done with the help of large databases and servers which have to be maintained on a regular basis. These information databases and servers are controlled by computers by appropriate authorities in a company.

Software Development
It can be said that for every computing need, a software has to be used. Software can only be made using computers for the purpose of helping businesses to combine processes and carry out their work properly. Nowadays, ERPs are largely used in business to blend all their processes together and execute the output as expected. There are many other software and application packages that a business may need to use according to the nature of work.

There are many other fields such as security control, communication, research, budgeting and forecasting, web management, where computers are essential. The impact of information technology on business has certainly changed the way businesses operate and have coordinated different practices of the firm to function collectively. Computer use is not only present in businesses, but computers are even used in sectors like medical and defense.
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